Civic Tech Innovation Forum
Please complete the following info:

    While this is a free conference, we appreciate any donations for the running of the event.
    Category 1: Fuel the future of Civic Tech! Your contribution helps us keep this forum free and bring the brightest minds in civic tech together.
    Category 2: Get more out of the forum! Your contribution allows us to offer valuable resources and networking opportunities.
    Category 3: Make a difference! Your contribution directly supports this event, e.g. venue, catering, event activities, etc.
    In order to donate, please select one of the options below.
    Select an option *
    Documents required
    Student and African rates require document uploads.
    Click below to upload your proof of registration for the 2024 academic year
    PDF or JPG format. Max 5MB.
    Click below to upload a copy of your passport, issued by any African country
    PDF or JPG format. Max 5MB.
    Your details
    Note: Your Affiliation / Organisation will be used for printing your nametag - please ensure there are no typos
    Additional information
    Visa information
    Select below the days you will be attending CTIF
    Select the masterclass session/s you will be attending
      Speaker Masterclass Time
    Human Sciences Research Council e-Participation Lab (invite only) 09h00 - 16h30
    African Union Civic Tech Fund Welcome & Orientation 09h00 - 13h30
    Afrobarometer Effective data use for CSOs and Journalists 09h00 - 11h00
    UbuntuLab Mashavi: Becoming the wandering spirit 09h00 - 11h00
    Geekulcha Hackathoning Our Future 11h30 - 13h30
    CIVICUS Sustainable Financing for African Civic Tech 11h30 - 13h30
    Campaign on Digital Ethics Digital Ethics & Security 14h30 - 16h30
    Open Institute e-Learning Platforms 14h30 - 16h30
    International Civil Society Centre Toolkit for tomorrow: Anticipating civil society futures 14h30 - 16h30
    Payment total
    ZAR 0
    Select a payment option *
    The next step
    Once you've registered you will either be directed to a secure credit card payment page (we use a company called PayFast) or you will be emailed our bank details for EFT.

    Note: This event is administered by Wits Enterprise, a wholly owned subsidiary company of the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). You may receive communication regarding the event from Wits Enterprise.
    Terms and conditions *